Microsoft-powered robot makes its debut : New gizmos, Gadgets gazette Blog

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Microsoft-powered robot makes its debut

It's taken a little while, but it seems that the first robot based on Microsoft's Robotics Studio package is now available for sale, although it's far from a consumer bot. Running a hefty $5,345, the so-called "e-nuvo WALK" robot from Japan's ZMP (makers of the e-nuvo WHEEL, as well) measures 14 inches tall and is apparently intended mainly for research and education although, as you can see above, it also seems to be a well-built candidate for the next RoboCup.

Microsoft debut biped-robotAccording to the AP, those in Japan can place their orders for the robot now, but they'll have to wait until sometime in January before they actually gets their hands on one.


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